Drawn Planter

  • 16 rows on 30 in. (762 mm) spacing
  • Insecticide option for mini-hopper and 1.6 bu.
  • 3-section frame flexes 21 degrees up & down with narrow transport of 12 ft. (3.66 m)


SeedStar™ 4HP monitoring system

SeedStar 4HP is designed to optimise the in-cab monitoring experience exclusively on the Gen 4 4600 CommandCenter™ display or 4640 Universal Display for growers with ExactEmerge™ planters and MaxEmerge™ 5e planters model year 2018 and newer. With SeedStar 4HP, operators will easily see key planter information with customizable run pages, zoom functionality, and simultaneous graph and performance measurements. SeedStar 4HP is included in base on all model year 2018 ExactEmerge and MaxEmerge 5e planters.

Easy Fold

Easy Fold is a feature of SeedStar™ 4HP for MaxEmerge™ 5e row-units and ExactEmerge™ row-units equipped on 1775NT and 1795 Planters with a 2-point hitch or DB Planters. This integrated solution replaces the frame-folding box like the manual fold option in SeedStar 3 HP, and it has enhanced the process by controlling and automating the selective control valves (SCVs).

The one-operation fold reduces the need for training inexperienced operators by sequencing the process correctly and reduces time spent folding and unfolding. By utilising implement automation, the hitch will be controlled by the planter during the fold cycle. Lining up the draft tube to the wing hooks is automated through this process, reducing operator tasks. On DB models, Easy Fold simplifies the folding process functions to one SCV. A manual process is available when needed.


Mobile row-unit runoff

The first day of planting season can be as productive as the last with mobile row-unit runoff. The mobile row-unit runoff activation on the planter main controller (PMC) allows operators to make adjustments to maximise row-unit performance from a mobile device at the rear of the planter for both preseason and in-season use – all enabled through the PlanterPlus™ app.

Mobile row-unit runoff allows growers to perform test-stand functions from a mobile device connected to the planter.

The row runoff test provides complete diagnostic checks both preseason and in season. With the row-unit runoff test, the operator can make adjustments from the mobile device, including vacuum pressure, to determine the optimum meter and vacuum settings. This app functionality will help avoid making trips to the cab while validating meter performance.

Downforce system options

Heavy-duty adjustable downforce springs

Planter row-unit downforce is an important factor to ensure consistent and proper depth control. The heavy-duty adjustable downforce feature provides up to 181.4 kg (400 lb) of downforce. There are four settings available to allow the operator to choose the amount of downforce required for the condition: 0 kg (0 lb), 56.7 kg (125 lb), 113.4 kg (250 lb), and 181.4 kg (400 lb).

Compatibility: 1705, 1715, 1725, 1735, 1755, 1765, 1765NT, 1775 Flex, and 1785

Standard pneumatic downforce system

Pneumatic downforce provides convenient, simple adjustment of downforce for the whole planter from one location. The amount of downforce applied is infinitely adjustable from 0 to 181.4 kg (0 to 400 lb). Pneumatic downforce provides more consistent downforce throughout the range of row-unit travel than mechanical spring downforce systems.

Pneumatic closing wheels

Using the GreenStar™ 3 2630 Display, pneumatic closing wheels can be adjusted to 25 different positions. From the factory the system is setup with two sections, the outer wings and centre frame. With this system, producers will see up to a 76 percent increase in consistent force applied at the closing wheel. Consistently applying the correct force at the seed trench is one of the key elements of supporting improved emergence. Studies show potential yield impact on corn from even emergence from 5 percent to 9 percent*.

Vacuum automation

Vacuum control has been defined. Before vacuum automation, an operator set the vacuum level by adjusting the hydraulic flow through each selective control valve (SCV). Many variables altered the vacuum level while the hydraulic flow stayed constant. This could have resulted in under or over populating, which may have impacted singulation. With vacuum automation, all that needs to be done is set the desired vacuum level and let the monitor do the work of adjusting the hydraulic flow. Should vacuum changes occur, the software in the monitor will fluctuate the SCV flow to achieve the desired vacuum level.

Vacuum automation requires SeedStar™ 4HP monitoring. The system controls SCV flow based on the vacuum pressure sensor. The tractor must be a John Deere with Tractor Electronic Control Unit (TECU) 3 controller area network (CAN) system for this feature to be compatible. The vacuum automation feature will control all vacuum fans if they are on their own SCVs. More vacuum fans make the planter more valuable and easier to operate.

RowCommand™ individual-row control system

RowCommand controls seed output

Controlling input costs and improving productivity are key producer requirements today. RowCommand is an effective, integrated John Deere solution designed to meet these intensifying needs. The RowCommand system manages seed output, reduces yield drag, and improves harvest capabilities on all Pro-Shaft™ driven row-units, and chain-driven MaxEmerge 5.

RowCommand controls seed output by incorporating individual, low amperage clutches inside the Pro-Shaft and chain-driven gearboxes. Clutches are completely enclosed within the gearbox housing to protect them from the elements and harsh operating conditions.

Increase productivity with ExactEmerge™ trench delivery system and BrushBelt™ delivery system

It is very challenging to get the crop planted during the optimum planting window or as close to the optimum planting day as possible. Rate-of-yield loss accelerates greatly after the optimum window has passed. This is especially true in the northern U.S. and Canada. ExactEmerge maintains accurate speed placement at higher speeds; growers can avoid missing that peak planting time, thereby helping to get the highest crop yields.

With the BrushBelt trench delivery system, the spacing in the trench does not change from even to uneven terrain. This can be a problem with a traditional seed tubes. Seed bounce and ricochet may occur as slopes increases, ultimately decreasing seed spacing performance.

The design of the BrushBelt system provides the best solution for the lowest release of seed to the bottom of the trench. The use of a brush provides the meter with an infinite amount of placement opportunities for each seed. This is what gives producers the confidence that every seed will have the desired spacing that a seed tube cannot provide.

Dual 56-V electric motors for ExactEmerge™ row-units

Two 56-V brushless electric motors provide ExactEmerge the upper hand over any other row-unit on the market. One motor controls the high-performance meter and the other powers the BrushBelt™ delivery system. Both feature a closed loop system ensuring they operate at the correct rpm.

Industry-proven 56-V brushless motors give confidence to the operator that the row-unit will perform in any condition. The advantage of 56-V over 24-V electric motors is a lower amperage draw.

The electric drive version of RowCommand row-unit has the potential to get 2 to 8 percent reduction in seed usage from being able to control the meter and BrushBelt rather than a clutch disengaging and some seeds still falling down the seed tube.